Cain the Husky
"I want to thank you for creating such an amazing product. My oldest boy Cain wound up losing use of his back legs a few years ago (he’s my puppy mill boy) due to poor breeding. He couldn’t stand or walk at all. My vet tried everything from muscle relaxers to antibiotics but nothing helped. I saw an ad for ActivPhy and figured it wouldn’t hurt to try it. I am so glad I did because not only can he stand up and walk again but he can play with his brothers again (he will be 12 in November), and he can run and has even tried to hump other dogs. Thank you so much. I cried seeing him like that and now thanks to your product he’s back to being able to do things again. I recommend ActivPhy to everyone. Thank you again!"
– Jodi E.
Kada the Corgi
"Kada, our Welsh Corgi, is a sweet, loving, happy little dog who has had a lot of bad luck in a short time. She was diagnosed with hip dysplasia at a year old. During surgery for that her sciatic nerve was cut so that meant she had no control of her right hind leg. It just hung there and she had to drag it. So it was decided to amputate her leg. Corgi’s have long bodies with very short legs. Kada was having a hard time trying to balance her long body on one short little leg.We heard about Activphy from friends who were using it. Your company was kind enough to send me a sample and we started Kada on it. I can not tell you how thrilled we are at the vast improvement on Kada’s quality of life!! She can run like a greyhound! I should send you a video, it is unbelievable the difference Activphy has made on the strength of her legs. I can’t say enough about it! She will be on it the rest of her life!"
– Margaret H
Thankful Tate
"I was looking for an easy supplement to give to my 12 year old medium mix breed dog, he has arthritis in his hips. ActivPhy fit that need. I love the fact it has turmeric in the ingredients. I was sprinkling turmeric it his food and it’s messy and can stain. He has shown great improvement while being on ActivPhy. My 12 year old is my puppy again. We have a lot of stairs in the house and we no longer have to carry him up and down. Tate is thankful!"
– Ericka J.

Nine Year Old Chloe
"I tried this for my dog Chloe thinking she wouldn’t like them. She loved them! She gets half of one every night before bed and always waits by the pantry door for it. She is taking another joint supplement in the morning so thisis an added benefit for her. Chloe is a 9 year old jindo husky mix and has no joint issues at all. We’d like to keep it that way!"

Sam the Senior Dog
"My senior golden retriever/yellow lab mix is almost done with his first container (75 chews) of ActivPhy. He was previously on Dasequin for a long time, but stopped taking the chewable. He gobbles up your chews immediately, and I see such a difference in his mobility. I publish a dog magazine in Cleveland, OH, and he goes to many events with me, getting in and out of the car, going on dog walks, etc. He is ready and able now. 

Thank you for making a great product! I purchased Sam’s first container at Grateful Dog Bakery in North Ridgeville, Ohio"

-Karen, CLEDog Magazine
Duncan the Golden Retriever
"Duncan is a thirteen year old golden retriever. ActivPhy has greatly improved his mobility. He was starting to show his age recently, having trouble getting from laying to standing andhaving trouble walking up and down stairs. After being on ActivPhy for three months, he’s like his old active self. He cruises up and down the stairs and is able to take longer walks."

- Kathy

Shiloh and Winston
"I just wanted to thank you for making a great product that really does my benefit my dogs without breaking the bank! My Great Pyrenees, Shiloh, is 8 and had cruciate (ACL) surgery around 3 years old. He has developed arthritis in his leg and has not been very playful or active for a few years now. I started giving him the ActivPhy and what a difference! After a week you could see an increase in activity and playfulness.After 12 days my sister stopped by for a visit, not knowing that he was taking ActivPhy, and commented on how playful he was again! He even plays with my 1.5 year old Leonberger, Winston ( he is also taking ActivPhy because he does agility). I’m very excited to get him hiking again this spring he loves being out and about!Again, thank you for a great product at a reasonable price!!"  

- Alesia
K.O. the Boxer
"I just wanted to say what a GREAT product this has been!!! I have an 11 year old boxer named K.O. who is just now starting to show his age…he was having trouble getting to the sitting or laying down position and vice versa…he has been taking the supplement regularly and it is AMAZING!!! He even jumped over our kiddy gate again!! 😉 A friend of mine whom is a dog trainer; Nicole Ellis told me about this and I will forever be grateful! 
Thank you!"

-Erin H.

Freddy the English Staffordshire
"Freddy just turned four on January 27th. He loves his ActivPhy and takes it regularly for his injured shoulder. He is an English Staffordshire that my husband Terrance got before we were married (about four years ago) – he was only 8 weeks old when he got him! Terrance rescued him from a woman who was going to send him and his litter mates to a shelter. He is the most wonderful pup! He’s very smart and has the most tremendous desire to be obedient and capacity to learn new things. He is laid back and calm (like his dad!) but loves to be doing anything active. Terrance had major surgery about a year ago and Freddy didn’t leave his side for a single minute. He LOVES to play with a tennis ball or go to parks and take walks. He also likes to play with other pups at daycare and likes to ride in the car – pretty much wants to do anything active and be anywhere we are! 
Freddy began taking ActivPhy in August of 2015. He had a shoulder injury but the vet couldn’t quite figure out what exactly was wrong and suggested a high quality joint support supplement. After much research we found ActivPhy to be the best quality product."
"My dog, Banner is a very active dog who is getting up there in age, he’s eleven years old, but never lets his age get him down. Of course a day of playing fetch does take its toll on his poor hips. He is always very stiff and sore the day after he plays hard.I received a sample of ActivPhy soft chew supplements to review, and I have been giving Banner 3 chews each day for almost a month now. I was surprised that he loves them as much as he does because he usually hates any kind of a supplement. ActivPhy smells to me like it would be a tasty treat that I would probably love if I were a canine.I have definitely noticed a change in Banner after giving him ActivPhy supplements. He seems to be so much more limber, and not so sore. He has more of a pep in his step, and is visibly not having trouble getting himself up from a laying down position."
Molly the Yellow Lab
"I love your product, it is a miracle for my girl Molly. She’s an 11 yr old yellow lab and she has sore front wrists and limps horribly if she doesn’t take the Activphy, but she’s doing great! She’s had ACL surgery on both knees and sore wrists but she gets around beautifully, not to mention her coat feels like a stuffed teddy bear.Wonderful product!"

Elderly Boxer
"I wanted to share our experience with you. I had purchased a package of ActivPhy and given to our eldery Boxer girl who doesn’t have much time left. She loved them and noticed in days that she was bouncing around like a puppy – a whole different dog actually. We then ran out and she went back to her old self until we repelinished our supply. We’re such true believers that I had to share with you and everyone. PS- Both my dogs love them (they are like treats for them)! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for more time with our girl."

"Trinity had slowed down, she wasn’t running or playing as much before we began the ActivPhy challenge. After ActivPhy, she’s back to running circles in the yard, rolling in the grass and wanting to play fetch with her toys. I know she feels better and healthier. I would recommend ActivPhy to any pet owner who wants to help their best friend feel good again."

- Delana

Acting Like a Puppy
"My sweet girl was diagnosed with spinal stenosis 3 years ago. Vet said it was bad and we didn’t have much time. Fast forward to today. 3 months on Activphy and she’s acting like a puppy. I never dreamed to see her truly run again. Or play bow or play tug with her goofy younger “brother”. It’s amazing. Thank you! THANK YOU!"

- Jenn

Riley the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
"My name is Michelle Mellor, and I have an 11.5 year old Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier named Riley who has stiff hips and an old ACL injury. I have tried several joint supplements over the past few years with minimal improvement. I had to be careful when choosing a supplement because Riley has several food allergies, so my options were limited due to ingredients. I would usually have to wrap the supplement in some type of deli meat or cheese in order for him to take it. Even then, it was hit or miss as to whether or not he would take the supplement. Recently, I was at a Concord Pet Supplies in NJ and was informed about Actiphy by one of your representatives. I figured it couldn’thurt to try it. 

First of all, I don’t have to force this down Riley’s throat.He anxiously waits for his “treats”..and I am glad that there are no ingredients that he is sensitive to.Second of all…WOW…what an improvement in less than a month. I realize that joint supplements usually require the loading dose of 4-6 weeks, but I definitely saw improvement sooner. Riley would struggle to get up from a laying position on a tile floor. Now, he can stand right up…no struggle at all. The vet recently manipulated his leg and hips and told me range of movement was better than the last visit. I have even discontinued the use of Deramaxx on a daily basis, and only use it on an as needed basis.Needless to say, we are very happy to have found your product!!"

- Michelle
Lulu the Pit Bull
"I just wanted to thank you so much for your wonderful product. I have a 2 year old pit bull, Lulu that developed ruptured ACL requiring surgery. A TPLO (?) was performed, but did not seem successful. She continued to limp for over a year afterwards, and cannot even sit with her hind legs beneath her. Immediately after surgery, I used a human OTC glucosamine product (which I had used on a prior dog with ACL surgery, and she recovered fine), but it was not effective with Lulu. Then I tried Cosaquin, without relief. Besides which, she doesn’t like to swallow pills. Meantime, she developed limping in the opposite leg, she was so bad one day that she could not stand on either leg and I had to use a towel under her abdomen to help her stand and walk when we went to the vet. Then I found ActivPhy and there is a tremendous difference after two months! I have not seen her limp on her “good” leg at all, and she very rarely limps on her operated leg, and not at all for at least three weeks! I’ve even seen her able to sit correctly a time or two. She can run fast and play hard in the yard with my other dogs and does not suffer for it the next day. I have not had to use pain medicine at all since using ActivPhy. 

I love how the front of the package says “MAY HELP alleviate discomfort due to NORMAL daily activity”. LOL. It HAS helped with her, even with EXTREME weekend activities. I’m a happy Mama! 

I am not a person given to contacting companies with testimonials, but I had to share my happiness and Lulu’s improvement with you. My dogs and their health are my life. Thank you so much. I will never try another joint supplement!"

- Judie
Bailey the American Eskimo Dog
"This is Bailey, the American Eskimo Dog. He‘s 8 years old, and is not in the slightest bit lame and has no joint issues. But knowing his breed has luxating patella problems, and his age, I wanted to support his healthy joints and mobility and stay proactive with his joint health. Bailey and I participate in agility for fun, along with some obedience rallies, which can be physically demanding. I grew up with giant breeds (2 mastiffs, a Rottweiler and a 110lb golden retriever) all who suffered from arthritis and mobility issues as they grew older. I want the very best for Bailey and want him to stay in top physical condition for his health and comfort for as long as possible. My goal is to keep the joint healthy. This is my first experience with having a dog on a joint supplement long term, before the senior years start (he was on another joint supplement before we started ActivPhy but he hated the taste of the powder of the other one so this makes my life easier!) So far, he loves the taste, and is keeping his energy up in our agility/obedience rally classes. He is sharp as a tack, and remains his same witty and sassy self!"

- Jessica
Otis the Black Lab
"I have a black lab named Otis. I don’t know what’s in these but MAN he’s like a different a dog. He can now get up & down the stairs, he enjoys walking around the yard again and he stopped getting so aggravated with my other dog (whose 1). He’ll never be running after all the squirrels again after all he will be 11 July 1st, but he’s also not a dog who looks like he should be put down anymore either. Thank you ActivPhy!"

- Beth
Saxton the Lab
"Sax has been limping on his left front leg and has developed a bulging knot at his lower leg joint for a couple years, now. He has been stiff and constantly looking for a cool, soothing place to lie. The vet said to give him prescription pain relievers so he can get through a hike that he so loves and not feel the pain; but I read the potential side effects of them and it scared me! Complete organ failure, yikes. So I’ve been looking for something help reduce his discomfort. I ordered just one tub of Activphy, so far, and he has responded very well just a couple weeks into it. HaHa! Now he is getting back to his old self and I am wondering if I can keep up with him!"

- Anita
9 and 12 Year Old Doggies
"Why we LOVE ActivPhy….and it is unlike anything we have ever used for our family. 

My wife and I noticed that our 9 and 12 year old doggies, our babies, were moving up and down the stairs much more slowly……hesitating jumping onto the couch, and having a tougher time laying down. We for the last 2 years had tried all sorts of glucosamine, chondrotin, and other senior pet products. With all of the other products we had tired, we never really saw a difference and as every month passed, we could notice more and more symptoms of how both of our babies, Jackson and Kaylee were moving slower and with more pain. 

Fast forward to a chance introduction to ActivPhy. We were introduced to the product in a store, and decided to give it a try. One word for the product after only 2 weeks, a noticeable difference in our dogs, Kaylee and Jackson, in their movement. After 4 weeks, Jackson (the shepherd mix in the picture), was able to get back to jumping on the bed…jumping on the bed! We never miss giving them their Actiphy now and I cannot tell you how it has changed our doggies lives, and ours. We can go up and down stairs with them, we can get them outside and they run now, where in the past they may have just stood or painfully laid down. 

If you have a senior pet, have tried other soft chews, and haven’t seen any improvement, you HAVE TO try ActivPhy….you will be amazed at the difference….I know we were not only amazed but had to share our story so other folks with senior pets can extend the active time with their pets."

- Derek
Ripper the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
"Hi my name is Terry, and you may have read my recent testimonial on the properties of ActivPhy. I still believe, that ActivPhy plays a great role in my dogs’ agility performance as well as their overall well being.I am writing a follow up to that letter and this time I am giving Activphy credit for my dog Ripper’s performance at the 2015 AKC National Agility Championships, held in Reno NV. After three rounds of agility Ripper, a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, had made the finals, seeded in 13th place. He was one of two sporting breeds in the highly competitive 20” Championship Class, the rest were Border Collies, known as the breed to beat in agility.When the dust had settled it was Ripper making podium finishing in fourth with three border collies ahead of him. Making the finals at the AKC National Agility Championship for a non-border collie is one thing, but to make podium, now that truly is a rare accomplishment.Thank you ActivPhy"

- Terry
Bryce the Australian Shepherd
"Bryce is doing great. A couple of weekends ago we had a fun filled Saturday of playing flyball and on Sunday we had a ASCA ( Australian Shepherd Club of America) obedience trial. I was nervous about how will he would perform on Sunday because flyball can take a toll on him & make him very stiff & sore. Thanks to ActivPhy he performed like an all-star. He received a first place in our class which also earned his CDX title. As if I wasn’t excited enough with just that we also won High in Trial, meaning that he was the highest scoring dog in the entire trial, which is not an easy task. I thank ActivPhy for his performance. He was feeling better than he has in the past or wouldn’t have been able to achieve such a prestigious award. Before being on ActivPhy he would have been sore, stiff and unwilling to get up after lying down. He was just as active and playful in the days & week following that weekend of wonderfullness. He will always be on this product from now on!"

- Chris
"We adopted Duke at the spritely young age of 9 from a local shelter. We were originally hoping for a puppy and didn’t even consider wanting an older dog initially, but our 8-, 10- and 12-year-old daughters wouldn’t let us walk out of there without him. “Old dogs need love too!” they kept saying. The shelter said that he had unhealthy joints. He had his active moments here and there, but would tire quickly and lay down often. Fast forward to a month into taking ActivPhy, and let’s just say Duke was making his “Old Bones” nick name less and less fitting. He’s now the first to greet guests, he wants to play all the time, and for the first time since we got him, he is literally jumping around! It really did give some relief to the old man. We may not have gotten a puppy in age, but thanks to ActivPhy, we got one in heart. I would highly recommend it!"

- Bethany
"Upon taking Vanilla on as my patient and performing a physical exam, I diagnosed her with bilateral patella luxation (sliding kneecap). The degree to which the kneecap slides off its articulating surface determines the grade. Vanilla’s right-sided patella laxation was graded as 2 out of 4 and her left side as 3 out of 4, where 1 is mild and 4 is severe.Vanilla walked with such a severe lameness that she often didn’t bear weight on her right hind limb due to the patella luxation and associated arthritic inflammation in her right knee. Without normally using her right hind limb to stand and walk, Vanilla had to rely more upon on her left hind limb which was also compromised by luxating patella.Overall, I knew that something had to be done to help Vanilla to walk with a more normal gait. Surgery is the best option for a dog having patella luxations as severe as Vanilla’s, but the cost of the surgical procedures to correct her lameness was out of the owner’s budget. Therefore, we had to take the approach of using a nutraceutical like ActivPhy and promoting Vanilla’s weight loss so less stress is put on all of her joints.Vanilla was put on ActivPhy and fed a calorie-restricted, whole food diet (The Honest Kitchen) to promote weight loss. Vanilla’s condition was so severe that she needed to continually take ActivPhy for a few months before we saw a result, but the ideal outcome was achieved and she now has a more comfortable quality of life without having undergone surgery. Although surgery would have corrected Vanilla’s patella luxations, doing so wasn’t possible in her case so we had to pursue non-surgical treatment.’This is what Vanilla’s caretaker, Anita, had to say:‘Vanilla a very cute Maltipoo (Maltese-Poodle hybrid) was diagnosed with luxating patella – a knee problem with dogs that causes them to limp. She limped so bad that she practically walked on 3 legs most of the time . Vanilla’s condition was considered moderately serious as she was a candidate for a very costly surgery. Thank God for Dr. Patrick Mahaney staying current with veterinary-recommended treatment. Dr. Mahaney recommended ActivPhy, a nutritional supplement. Vanilla has been taking this supplement in her food for about 6 months. We saw improvement in the first 3 months. It’s miracle. Thank you."

- Dr. Patrick Mahaney
Zoe the Australian Shepherd Mix
"I have a hearing service dog as I am a deaf individual with a cochlear implant. Her name is Zoë and is a rescue mix; I believe she is a mix of sheltie, collie, and Australian shepherd (I have attached a picture of her adorable self!) She is about 2-3 years old, however since she goes everywhere with me, I’ve always been concerned about maintaining her heath at her absolute best especially with her joints with walking everywhere with me. I wanted to prevent her joints from deteriorating from being so active and maintain good cartilage health. Therefore I started looking at what we had available at the store, but never really could find anything with a decent amount of glucosamine that was worth giving her and also did not have any allergens as she is allergic to many common ingredients. But then ActivPhy came around and I was impressed immediately with 1) high levels of Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) and glucosamine, 2) no allergens! and 3) omega 3! As an allergy-prone dog, omega 3 is amazing for maintaining a good skin coat as she scratches it everyday (not horribly, but enough to irritate her skin more than before). I started giving her ActivPhy for not even a week when she started showing great signs of improvement! Not only is she much more eager to keep walking all day with me, she’ll still find the energy to play even more outside when we get home. I already give her extremely high quality food to provide a great source of energy, but ActivPhy takes it one step further in providing energy by allowing her to play more without getting sore quickly. I swear by this product and recommend it every single time a customer comes in looking for a “glucosamine supplement” with the intentions of maintaining joints and cartilage because of the effectiveness and quality. I hope to be able to continue giving Zoë ActivPhy and keep seeing this wonderful level of energy in her!"

- Taylor
Dog Agility
"My name is Terry and I have been involved in dog agility since 1994. My dogs are my family and I try to do the very best for them, not only as family members but also as the performance athletes that they are — and that is why I use ActivPhy. I am always searching for the best I can give my dogs and when I was told by a colleague to give Activphy a try, I did. I have dogs ranging from ages 11 months to nearly 15 years and after just a few weeks it seemed as if they all got younger! I know it sounds crazy, but it is the best way I can describe it. Gizmo, at nearly fifteen years is much more feisty and active. Ripper, our 7 year old male has reverted back to things he did as a puppy! It has definitely brought out the youth in all the dogs. I recommend ActivPhy to all my dog friends and they agree it makes their dogs feel younger."

- Terry
Ginger the Golden Retriever
"Our family leads an active lifestyle with our two young boys and two dogs. We have a 5 year-old Labrador Retriever named Duke and a 10 year-old Golden Retriever named Ginger. Our dogs’ favorite activities are going on long walks and playing fetch with every variety of balls. Ginger has decreased mobility she started struggling while getting up after she had been lying down, couldn’t walk as far on our walks as she once could, and required more breaks when she was playing fetch. My husband reached out to a family friend to ask for advice since he knows that she is a representative for a pet supply company. She recommended that we try ActivPhy, a new product to help support Ginger’s mobility. She provided us with a generous supply and we began administering it to Ginger every day. Ginger is quite picky when it comes to flavors and textures, but we were pleasantly surprised when she eagerly gobbled down the ActivPhy chews. We began noticing an increase in her energy level and comfort in moving after she had been taking ActivPhy for approximately two weeks. She actually started jumping up and down whenever she thought that it was time to go on a walk! ActivPhy has made a huge difference in Ginger’s life; her energy has increased and her pain level has decreased. It is so comforting to see Ginger run and play with our other dogs and sons, because it was getting to a point that her body was not allowing her to fully participate with them. We will continue to administer ActivPhy every day according to the dosage instructions on the container because we have been so pleased with the positive results."

- Taigan and Scott
Boss the Golden Retriever
"Our dog, Boss, is a 10 year old Golden Retriever that weighs just over 90lbs. About a year and a half ago we noticed that he struggled to get up in the evenings and didn’t even want to come to bed without being helped up from his spot in the living room. Previously, he loved to nap on the couch, but we could tell his hips hurt too bad, he wouldn’t even attempt the climb. After some debate, we began a low maintenance dose of Rimadyl. Due to some of the side effects of long-term use, we were very hesitant to give this to him on an ongoing basis. It did help, and he was more like himself, so we felt the benefits outweighed the risks. When we discovered ActivPhy, we were eager to try it out and see if it helped Boss. After several months of concurrently giving him the ActivPhy and the Rimadyl, we began to wean him off of the Rimadyl and he did great. He seems to have more energy and climbs on the couch every night! He thinks he is a puppy again and tries to run with our other two dogs every day. We are very pleased with the results, and thankful that he can continue to be an active part of our kids’ lives while they are playing outside. He only seems to occasionally need Rimadyl on sub-zero winter days. He really has improved overall. Thank you ActivPhy!"

- Karen
Aspen the Bernese Mountain/Lab 
"Aspen is a 1 ½ yr old 100 lb Bernese Mountain Dog/Lab cross with severe hip dysplasia in both hips. From 3 months on she had a difficult time rising from a laying position as her hips were both very weak and she was in constant pain. She could not jump or run. The vet diagnosed her at 5 months old to be one of the worst cases she had ever seen as her left hip would slide right out while she was awake and un-sedated. We were told that she was unable to have the surgery at this age because of her rapid growth and full size potential. They recommended waiting until she was full grown at 2 yrs for the surgery. So we placed her on Rimadyl and mass glucosamine supplements immediately. I was distraught throughout this time because she really had no quality of life. She laid around and was very reclusive. She did not want to be touched or have any one near her. The Rimadyl made life easier for her by decreasing her pain. She was able to walk with us and be more a part of the family but never ran, jumped or showed any enthusiasm that a normal puppy might display. At 9 months of age we began giving her ActivPhy based on a family recommendation for the blue green algae portion of the product. The rest of the ingredients were similar to what we were already using. At first Aspen did not particularly like the product by itself so I placed it in her food and she ate it up along with her meals. Now she loves them alone as a treat. 

Long story short at 19 months of age she has been taking the ActivPhy for 10 months and at current date she has only needed her Rimadyl 2 times in the past 30 days instead of her twice daily she took before. She is active and happy seems to show little to no pain on most days. She often chases rabbits in the yard, a first for her! She used to just sit and watch them. She can walk 2 miles with me where before she would sit and stare and refuse to walk along with me. Don’t get me wrong, this did not cure her hip dysplasia but it made her life happy and she has very little pain on a daily basis as she displays by acting much more like a normal young dog. I do believe that the product helped stabilize her condition. NOTE: When I say she runs it is not a 20 mile an hour gallop like most dogs but it is jubilant and active for a dog with a very severe case of hip dysplasia in both hips. I will continue to use this product for Aspen indefinitely as I believe we can possibly avoid a very expensive 15k surgery without compromising her quality of life."

- Nancy
Rocky the Yellow Lab 
"My dog Rocky, an 8 year old yellow lab, was slow getting up before ActivPhy but always willing to try and please. I started him on ActivPhy and he is now quick to rise, and he seems to have more “puppy energy” and appears to be more excitable and bouncy."

- Jeremy
Ranger the Border Collie Cross 
"My 2 year old border collie cross named Ranger was an active playful puppy until he was in an awful accident with a pickup. He came out with a torn ligament and a broken pelvis. We were unable to afford the surgery to fix the pelvis and instead opted for the rest and limited movement option. Our vet let us know that 12 weeks of non movement was the suggested recovery time. After about 9 weeks we were seeing very limited improvement. We were starting to lose hope that Ranger would heal. I was given a sample of ActivPhy through my work and decided it was worth a shot. After about 5 days we saw marked improvement in Rangers movement. I realize that time and confinement had a significant effect on his healing but I am convinced that ActivPhy was the game changer. We now have our energetic, limber, playful pup back. Ranger is back to running 5-7 miles a week with us, running up stairs, and jumping on beds. We are so thankful for the sample we received and are now loyal customers. Thank you ActivPhy for this great product."

- Kjer
Baisey the Lab 
"Before ActivPhy she didn’t have a lot of energy and if I wanted to take her for a walk, I had to drag her around the block, she didn’t want to go. After ActivPhy she seems to have a lot more energy and now she is dragging me around the block."

- Kelley
Jazzy the Collie Mix 
"My own dog Jazzy is living proof that ActivPhy delivers on its promise to improve your dog’s activity level and outlook on life. A big Collie mix, over the past few years Jazzy had stopped going outside and often didn’t even lift her head off her bed. But ActivPhy seemed to bring her back to life and restore her positive energy. And she’s a picky eater but really enjoys the ActivPhy soft chews."

- Tracie
Sampson the Rottweiler 
"Thank you ActivPhy!! Sampson had been on Rimadyl for almost 2 years due to osteoarthritis and elbow dysplasia. He was limited to very short walks and was seeing a physical therapist. We gradually weaned Sam off Rimadyl and on to ActivPhy and I am super happy to say he’s been Rimadyl free for 2 months."

- Lynn
Daisy the Dachshund 
"ActivPhy helped Daisy’s joints immensely. Prior to this, Daisy wasn’t going up and down stairs. She wasn’t jumping on the bed. She wasn’t playing with the puppy. But after about 2 weeks of having ActivPhy, she was back to where she was a couple of years ago. She was jumping on the bed, playing with the puppy, going up and down the stairs by herself, not whining and crying…it was great."

- Jennifer
Libby the German Shepherd 
"This is Libby our 13 year old Shepard who wasn’t getting around very well until we were introduced to ActivPhy. Now she is running around like a puppy. This product is amazing."

- Renee
Zoe the Border Collie
"Wanted to share how well Zoe is doing since taking ActivPhy. It was obvious that she was struggling with her back legs, walking a little slower and not being able to jump on her favorite couch. Since taking ActivPhy, she has gained more mobility and even able to jump on the couch – even though she is not supposed to. Zoe loves the taste of ActivPhy. Thanks for a great product!"

- Jennifer
"I tried everything for my big boy’s knees. Then I found ActivPhy and by the end of the first container he was no longer limping or favoring his hind leg. I had to get more to keep him on maintenance. Great product!! I swear by it!"

- Sheila
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